Killing Mould Spores: Your Guide To Identifying Mould And Preventative Maintenace.
Mould growth is not something you want proliferating through your home, so killing mould spores effectively is of the utmost importance to ensure your property and family’s health is protected. Unfortunately, there are many areas of the home that may have extensive mould growth you are completely unaware of, such as in the walls or ceiling. These undetected mould areas present significant problems, but most importantly is to address the source of the issue.
Where moisture is present, mould will thrive. So, to eliminate mould growth in your home, you’ll first need to address excess moisture. Continue reading below to learn ten common causes of mould growth in the home and visit Rapid Clean New Castle to schedule professional services for killing mould spores.
Ten Important Things You Should Know About Mould In Your Home And How To Incorporate Preventative Maintenance.
Mould is highly adaptable to a number of different surfaces, including wood, paper, carpets, caulking and food. Of course, you can easily throw mouldy fruit into the trash, but killing mould spores in more permanent features of the home is far more invasive. Let’s discuss ten things you should know about mould in your home:
- Living in an area where mould is present can lead to health issues including allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory difficulties. When the mould is undetected and you are consistently living or sleeping in the affected area, you may begin to experience these symptoms. Unfortuantely, these symptoms are often mistaken for other causes, so identifying the mould is critical to mitigating the further development of health problems.
- Your first step in eiminating mould in the home is by reducing and controlling moisture. For example, bathrooms need proper ventilation either through extractor fans or open windows to reduce mould growth.
- Mould growth must be addressed at the first sign of development. Leaving it to grow will cause more damage and potential costs to replace and repair the affected elements, such as ceiling boards, carpeting, or infected wood.
- If the moisture problem stems from faulty plumbing, it must be fixed immediately before starting the process of mould elimination. In many cases, leaks within the home’s infrastructure can be difficult to determine, but when you have practiced moisture control and still experience a mould problem, defective plumbing should be inspected. You may also find a higher than usual water bill every month, which indicates a leaking pipe.
- Decreasing the level of humidity is another essential step in controlling mould growth in your home. You can do this by using air conditioners or de-humidifiers and keeping the home well ventilated.
- Any wet furnishings need to be dried withing a day to prevent the formation of mould spores. For example, if a child spills something on their bedroom carpet, it must be dried as soon as possible. Neglecting to do so will leave an unpleasant smell and stain as mould begins to develop.
- Mould growth on hard surfaces, such as shower tiles, can be eliminated by using water and detergent. However, if the mould has been left to absorb into the caulking, you will either need to use a mould killing chemical or remove and replace the caulking completely. Remember to treat the tiles by killing the mould spores before reapplying the tile sealants. More absorbant surfaces, such as celing tiles, may need to be replaced if mould is present.
- Adding insulation is a great way to reduce condensation on cold surfaces.
- Carpeting should never be installed in areas where perpetual moisture is present. Bathroom mats that are made wet frequently should be washed and dried often to reduce mould growth.
- Killing mould spores effectively takes more than a detergent bottle. Instead, it requires a trained eye and years of experience, with the correct products and equipment to eliminate mould from the home entirely. Using professional cleaning services is the best way to ensure your home is mould-free.
Once your home has been properly cleaned of mould, it is imperative that you continue following the preventative maintenance we’ve discussed above.
So, if you have a mould problem and need professional services to effectively kill mould spores, get in touch with Rapid Clean New Castle to schedule an appointment!