Popular places in the US to buy agricultural land
Are you ready to change your life, go west, and buy farm land? You might not have to go as far west as you think; farming is booming across many US states. If you want to buy agricultural land, including Texas land, below are some good options to think about:
Texas is often thought as only for ranchers. But there is good land here that is good for starting a small or large farm. There are at least 6,000 farmers in the state now. Many farmers here only make around $20,000 or $30,000 per year, but you are usually living in low cost of living areas, so you can have a reasonable lifestyle.
If you ever drive across the Midwest, you probably see acres and acres of corn. Corn is what Indiana is best known for, as well as soybeans. But vegetable crops will grow well here, too. Beginning farmers make about $16,000 per year, but with enough time, you can make $40,000 or $50,000 a year.
Iowa is second in the country in terms of food production, after California. There are a lot of farms here and room for many more. The entry level salary for farmers here is $19,000 but many people eventually live comfortably on $45,000 per year.
This state gas some of the best farmland in the US, and not just for tobacco. Many successful farmers grow soybeans and barley, not to mention corn and wheat. You also can grow tomatoes successfully in Kentucky.
New Mexico
Farming in New Mexico may not make you rich, but you can get land for $500 an acred or less. This is some of the least expensive farming land in the US. Keep in mind that farming in New Mexico can be more difficult because of frequent drought conditions. Many farmers here make about $25,000 per year.
This state has more farmers per capita than any other state in the union. There are 250 farmers’ markets and 630,000 residents, so it is not surprising that the state has the most people who buy their food locally. This means there is a great demand for farmers. Land her costs about $2500 per acre.
When you think you are ready to buy farmland, think about the standard of living you want, what you want to grow, and the type of land you can afford.