Furniture that will relax you and provide a stress-free environment
We often try to escape our office settings, because they give us stress and worries when we get home and if our environment is not peaceful and stress free it adds on to our daily stress load that we have accumulated throughout the day at the office. After the stress of work or hectic woes of life, our home needs to be able to establish a serene atmosphere and help us to recharge from the day. However, inner working and structure of the home are often ignored leading to a space that drains you. A house is a place that supports us with the positive energy if it is filled with mind refreshing furniture. In this article we will share with you the list of furniture that will relax you and provide a stress free environment.
Creating a stress free home with Feng Shui
You may have heard about the chinese term Feng Shui meaning “wind and water”.
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is a science and art that was formalized many years ago in china, Feng means wind and Shui means water. In Chinese tradition wind and water are linked to good health, thus good and bad feng shu came to mean that good fortune and misfortune or bad luck respectively.
How does Feng Shui work?
According to feng shui buildings are supposed to be designed in a particular way to take advantage of positive energies. If buildings are built and designed without taking fang shui into consideration they can accumulate negative energies, there by influencing the humans living in that building negatively. Following are some of the key advice to feng shui your home to curtail stress:
Remove clutter at home. A study shows that clutter at home absorbs positive energy and even it’s out of sight. So remove unnecessary belongings because they just you stress and makes you mentally ill. We have seen so many older people at our home they don’t like clutter at home, and they all the time scold their children just because of untidy home which annoying them subconsciously.
Balancing your room is important. Another most important thing that comes in feng shui is balance your room incorporate with the 5 elements of feng shui; fire water, wood, earth and metal. It doesn’t mean to have them physically you can use colours as a symbolic way to strike this balance. These five elements of feng shui give you a positive energy and curtail negative energy.
Use mirror to reflect positive energies. It is to be said that mirrors are reflecting the energy. So use mirror at home and positioning of them with the angle of some of nature’s beauty. Try to avoid reflecting items which produces negative energy like dustbin, garbage bin or trash can etc. Speaking of mirrors and glass one of the best ways to incorporate glass furniture into your home is by purchasing a fish tank coffee table. These aquarium coffee tables use to be very expensive but now they are slowly becoming affordable. You can easily get one for less than $2000 in major furniture shops.
Garden is important place. Garden is also comes in the definition of feng shui. Basically feng shui’s define the nature, and plants and greenery plays an important role with our mood by producing positive energy.
In conclusion I can say that the type of furniture you have at your home has a impact on your well being.