5 Signs You Need To Repair Your Roof
When a homeowner is unable to determine if it’s time for a new roof, they may choose simply to ignore the issue. Unfortunately, this can lead to even bigger problems down the road. The following article lists five signs that you need to contact your roofing specialists to repair your roof.
1. Your Roof Is Leaking Water
Most homeowners know that water leaking from their roof is a problem that needs fixing, but the sheer volume of leaks can be difficult to assess. Sometimes, homeowners have no idea that they have been dealing with leak problems for months or years until one day they step into a room and realize all their belongings are soaked due to a serious leak in the ceiling. Water leaks often cause mold growth and rot structural beams as well as destroy insulation and other property, so it is important to get leaks fixed quickly.
2. You Have Cracked Or Missing Shingles
Missing, cracked or damaged shingles are a common sign of roof problems. These problems can occur for several reasons – improper installation, wind damage and aging roofs are just a few of the most common causes. Some homeowners may attempt to fix this problem by simply replacing one or two shingles in the area where they are missing or damaged, but this can actually cause more issues down the road if the rest of the roof isn’t inspected properly at that same time. A serious issue with your roof could go unnoticed until it becomes very costly to resolve when only single shingles are replaced here and there over an extended period of time.
3. You Have Cracked Or Missing Siding
Cracks and missing siding, like those listed above for shingles, can also cause major problems with your home’s exterior if left untreated. Water damage is the main culprit behind these types of issues – water often finds its way into cracks in the wall where it can cause serious problems over an extended period of time.
4. Your Roof Is Old/Fiberglass
When a homeowner decides to replace their roof, they may choose to install a new one made out of metal or wood rather than fiberglass due to cost issues or personal preference, but this isn’t always necessary unless there are some other signs that the roof needs replacing as well. Sometimes homeowners will notice a bump in their roofline where it has begun to sag or there is evidence of sagging elsewhere on the roof. When they investigate further, homeowners often find that they have an old fiberglass roof and it is time for a change.
5. Your Roof Is More Than 20 Years Old
Roofs typically need replacing every 30 years or so, but this is estimated based on average wear and tear and not extreme weather conditions that may cause damage more quickly than expected. If your home was built before 1990, you may even want to consider having repairs done as soon as the decade hits – many homeowners report serious problems with their roofs after only 15-20 years for this reason alone.
In order to avoid some of these issues, homeowners should always be sure to keep up with roof maintenance routines. Roof inspections can often be performed by the homeowner themselves if they are confident in their abilities and know how to spot potential problems.